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Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – The Creation4:04 02 – The Temptation and Fall17:05 03 – Cain and Abel5:01 04 – Adam’s Life4:25 05 – Seth and Enoch9:43 06 – Crime before the Flood6:10 07 – The Flood17:31 08 – After the Flood19:42 09 – Disguised Infidelity9:34 10 – Tower of Babel3:33 11 – Abraham15:26 12 – […]

Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 2

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – My Misfortune7:19 02 – The Advent Faith4:30 03 – Feelings of Despair9:07 04 – The Methodist Church5:35 05 – Opposition of Formal Brethren6:26 06 – My First Vision7:04 07 – Call to Travel19:33 08 – Fanaticism in Maine5:08 09 – Vision of the New Earth6:33 10 – Trials and Victories15:35 11 […]

Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 1

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – The Fall of Satan4:19 02 – The Fall of Man3:25 03 – The Plan of Salvation7:35 04 – The First Advent of Christ9:52 05 – The Ministry of Christ6:27 06 – The Transfiguration5:42 07 – The Betrayal of Christ6:54 08 – The Trial of Christ11:12 09 – The Crucifixion of Christ11:30 […]

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 9

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 0-00 – The Times of Volume Nine16:50 1-01 – For the Coming of the King15:51 1-02 – Called to Be Witnesses4:05 1-03 – A Holy Life3:39 1-04 – Christs Representatives1:48 1-05 – Steadfast Adherence to the Truth1:42 1-06 – A World-Wide Message3:03 1-07 – The Kind of Workers Needed4:00 1-08 – An Impressive […]

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 8

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 0-00 – The Times of Volume Eight9:08 1-01 – Our Work11:16 1-02 – The Commission7:01 1-03 – An Unchanging Promise4:51 1-04 – The Power Promised12:19 1-05 – Our Responsibility13:46 1-06 – The Work at Home and Abroad16:39 1-07 – The Work in Europe6:23 1-08 – A View of the Conflict17:51 2-01 – Warnings […]

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00-00 – The Times of Volume Five11:31 31-01 – Camp Meeting Address Boulder Colorado September 25 188115:42 31-02 – Responsibility of Ministers15:11 31-03 – Our College6:41 31-04 – The Bible as a Textbook7:24 31-05 – Object of the College2:06 31-06 – Teachers in the College20:41 31-07 – Parental Training21:58 31-08 – Important Testimony43:36 […]

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 6

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 0-00 – The Times of Volume Six13:54 1-01 – Gods Purpose in the Church10:49 1-02 – The Work for This Time18:44 1-03 – Extension of the Work in Foreign Fields16:09 2-01 – The Camp Meeting4:28 2-02 – Reaching the Masses2:56 2-03 – An Object Lesson2:33 2-04 – Securing Attendance6:04 2-05 – Attendance of […]

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 7

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 0-00 – The Times of Volume Seven13:15 1-01 – The Work of Soulsaving7:43 1-02 – The Signal of Advance3:59 1-03 – An Ever-Widening Work6:30 1-04 – Work for Church Members9:27 1-05 – The Waste Places of the Earth1:14 1-06 – Self-Supporting Missionaries3:43 1-07 – Workers from the Ranks7:54 1-08 – Extending the Triumphs […]

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 4

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00-00 – The Times of Volume Four7:41 26-01 – Bible Biographies18:02 26-02 – Unity of the Church13:11 26-03 – Go Forward19:40 26-04 – Indulgence of Appetite15:34 26-05 – The Christian Warfare27:19 26-06 – Choosing Earthly Treasure34:26 26-07 – True Benevolence33:59 26-08 – Co-Workers with Christ17:17 26-09 – Sensational Revivals9:02 26-10 – Withholding Means19:22 […]

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 3

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00-00 – The Times of Volume Three11:47 21-01 – An Appeal for Burden Bearers31:40 21-02 – Unsanctified Ability26:23 21-03 – Unbalanced Minds9:17 21-04 – Opposing Adventists7:32 21-05 – Intimate Friendship With Worldlings21:29 21-06 – The Cause in New York14:09 21-07 – Relatives in the Church6:54 21-08 – Laborers for God28:39 21-09 – Experience […]