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Selected Messages, Vol. 2

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00 – A Word to the Reader4:17 01-00 – Introduction2:35 01-01 – Warnings Against Sensational Teachings and Emotional Religion27:28 01-02 – Early Fanaticism to be Repeated12:15 01-03 – The Holy Flesh Doctrine22:39 01-04 – Warnings Against Deceptive Claims of the Spirits Guidance17:54 01-05 – Miracles Not a Test of Gods Favor18:50 01-06 – […]

Selected Messages, Vol. 1

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 0 – A Word to the Reader6:38 1-00 – Introduction1:56 1-01 – The Inspiration of the Prophetic Writers26:12 1-02 – Ellen G White and Her Writings43:58 1-03 – Attitudes Toward the Testimonies23:19 1-04 – The Writing and Sending Out of the Testimonies to the Church24:19 1-05 – An Explanation of Early Statements50:46 2-00 […]

Fundamentals of Christian Education

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – Proper Education1:04:26 02 – Christ an Educator5:46 03 – An Appeal for Our Students13:08 04 – Thoughts on Education10:21 05 – A Visit to College City3:57 06 – The Home and the School12:51 07 – The Importance of Physical Training11:05 08 – Daniel’s Integrity Under Test9:16 09 – The Importance of […]

Sanctified Life

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00 – Header2:14 01 – True and False Theories Contrasted18:15 02 – Daniels Temperance Principles10:04 03 – Controlling the Appetites and Passions14:22 04 – The Fiery Furnace13:16 05 – Daniel in the Lions Den5:57 06 – Daniels Prayers10:55 07 – The Character of John12:24 08 – The Ministry of John14:19 09 – John […]


All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – Temptation of Christ1:35 02 – The Creation2:59 03 – Labor a Blessing1:12 04 – The Test of Probation6:20 05 – Paradise Lost2:55 06 – Plan of Redemption10:10 07 – Sacrificial Offerings5:05 08 – Appetite and Passion5:19 09 – Birth and Life of Christ9:21 10 – The Temptation45:55 11 – Christs Temptation […]

Patriarchs and Prophets

All chaptersMP3s (1)MP3s (2)PDFEPUBMOBI 00 – Introduction27:19 01 – Why was Sin Permitted32:22 02 – The Creation22:22 03 – The Temptation and Fall33:14 04 – The Plan of Redemption24:05 05 – Cain and Abel Tested20:29 06 – Seth and Enoch29:38 07 – The Flood39:52 08 – After the Flood16:56 09 – The Literal Week17:28 10 […]

Ministry of Healing

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00 – Preface3:23 01 – Our Example18:18 02 – Days of Ministry33:21 03 – With Nature and With God10:47 04 – The Touch of Faith26:22 05 – Healing of the Soul34:35 06 – Saved to Serve25:01 07 – The Co-Working of the Divine and the Human29:28 08 – The Physician an Educator27:49 09 […]

Mind, Character and Personality, Vol. 2

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 39 – Harmonious Action of the Whole Personality Necessary13:02 40 – Body Affects Mind9:30 41 – Diet and Mind21:30 42 – Mind and Health16:16 43 – Mind and Spiritual Health18:42 44 – Laws Governing the Mind15:18 45 – Individuality14:57 46 – Human Relations19:51 47 – Mental Hygiene13:06 48 – Guilt14:30 49 – Grief15:44 […]

Mind, Character and Personality, Vol. 1

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00 – Foreword9:18 01 – Its Importance12:08 02 – The Christian and Psychology14:44 03 – Dangers in Psychology19:07 04 – Spiritual Influences and the Mind20:55 05 – The Fanatical Mind18:46 06 – A Healthy Normality15:04 07 – Disease That Begins in the Mind9:38 08 – Religion and the Mind12:17 09 – Mind the […]