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Patriarchs and Prophets

00 - Introduction27:19 Download
01 - Why was Sin Permitted32:22 Download
02 - The Creation22:22 Download
03 - The Temptation and Fall33:14 Download
04 - The Plan of Redemption24:05 Download
05 - Cain and Abel Tested20:29 Download
06 - Seth and Enoch29:38 Download
07 - The Flood39:52 Download
08 - After the Flood16:56 Download
09 - The Literal Week17:28 Download
10 - The Tower of Babel17:34 Download
11 - The Call of Abraham20:35 Download
12 - Abraham in Canaan39:49 Download
13 - The Test of Faith27:55 Download
14 - Destruction of Sodom39:46 Download
15 - The Marriage of Isaac17:31 Download
16 - Jacob and Esau16:51 Download
17 - Jacob's Flight and Exile28:28 Download
18 - The Night of Wrestling20:34 Download
19 - The Return to Canaan25:15 Download
20 - Joseph in Egypt25:21 Download
21 - Joseph and His Brothers50:45 Download
22 - Moses40:10 Download
23 - The Plagues of Egypt42:29 Download
24 - The Passover16:22 Download
25 - The Exodus23:27 Download
26 - From the Red Sea to Sinai34:00 Download
27 - The Law Given to Israel36:34 Download
28 - Idolatry at Sinai43:17 Download
29 - Satan's Enmity Against the Law36:21 Download
30 - The Tabernacle and Its Services41:33 Download
31 - The Sin of Nadab and Abihu12:01 Download
32 - The Law and the Covenants33:44 Download
33 - From Sinai to Kadesh39:07 Download
34 - The Twelve Spies23:49 Download
35 - The Rebellion of Korah31:49 Download
36 - In the Wilderness13:39 Download
37 - The Smitten Rock27:16 Download
38 - The Journey Around Edom32:07 Download
39 - The Conquest of Bashan14:46 Download
40 - Balaam38:56 Download
41 - Apostasy at the Jordan27:14 Download
42 - The Law Repeated20:29 Download
43 - The Death of Moses28:40 Download
44 - Crossing the Jordan16:07 Download
45 - The Fall of Jericho29:48 Download
46 - The Blessings and the Curses10:39 Download
47 - League With the Gibeonites14:37 Download
48 - The Division of Canaan33:08 Download
49 - The Last Words of Joshua11:26 Download
50 - Tithes and Offerings14:22 Download
51 - God's Care for the Poor19:27 Download
52 - The Annual Feasts16:31 Download
53 - The Earlier Judges44:16 Download
54 - Samson26:08 Download
55 - The Child Samuel16:31 Download
56 - Eli and His Sons17:17 Download
57 - The Ark Taken by the Philistines32:24 Download
58 - The Schools of the Prophets25:18 Download
59 - The First King of Israel39:39 Download
60 - The Presumption of Saul25:05 Download
61 - Saul Rejected31:33 Download
62 - The Anointing of David11:53 Download
63 - David and Goliath18:32 Download
64 - David a Fugitive33:46 Download
65 - The Magnanimity of David38:31 Download
66 - The Death of Saul18:03 Download
67 - Ancient and Modern Sorcery19:48 Download
68 - David at Ziklag20:12 Download
69 - David Called to the Throne16:36 Download
70 - The Reign of David36:32 Download
71 - David's Sin and Repentance31:05 Download
72 - The Rebellion of Absalom53:39 Download
73 - The Last Years of David30:02 Download