1-01 - Protestantism | 7:31 |
1-02 - Declension Of The Early Christian Church | 22:16 |
1-03 - Development Of The Papacy From The Times Of Constantine To Those Of Hildebrand | 28:16 |
1-04 - Development Of The Papacy From Gregory VII. To Boniface VIII | 22:53 |
1-05 - Mediaeval Protestant Witnesses | 24:56 |
1-06 - The Waldenses — Their Valleys | 19:31 |
1-07 - The Waldenses — Their Missions And Martyrdoms | 17:15 |
1-08 - The Paulicians | 23:05 |
1-09 - Crusades Against The Albigenses | 30:00 |
1-10 - Erection Of Tribunal Of Inquisition | 14:57 |
1-11 - Protestants Before Protestantism | 35:04 |
1-12 - Abelard, And Rise Of Modern Skepticism | 13:32 |
2-01 - Wicliffe – His Birth And Education | 23:41 |
2-02 - Wicliffe, And The Pope’s Encroachments On England | 31:52 |
2-03 - Wicliffe’s Battle With Rome For England’s Independence | 22:18 |
2-04 - Wicliffe’s Battle With The Mendicant Friars | 48:35 |
2-05 - The Friars Versus The Gospel In England | 11:23 |
2-06 - The Battle Of The Parliament With The Pope | 19:44 |
2-07 - Persecution Of Wicliffe By The Pope And The Hierarchy | 17:56 |
2-08 - Hierarchical Persecution Of Wicliffe Resumed | 12:44 |
2-09 - Wicliffe’s Views On Church Property And Church Reform | 29:09 |
2-10 - The Translation Of The Scriptures, Or The English Bible | 35:46 |
2-11 - Wicliffe And Transubstantiation | 20:37 |
2-12 - Wicliffe’s Appeal To Parliament | 8:50 |
2-13 - Wicliffe Before Convocation In Person, And Before The Roman Curia By Letter | 10:03 |
2-14 - Wicliffe’s Last Days | 14:51 |
2-15 - Wicliffe’s Theological And Church System | 14:30 |
3-01 - Birth, Education, And First Labors Of Huss | 27:37 |
3-02 - Huss Begins His Warfare Against Rome | 28:33 |
3-03 - Growing Opposition Of Huss To Rome | 13:47 |
3-04 - Preparations For The Council Of Constance | 23:48 |
3-05 - Deposition Of The Rival Popes | 17:20 |
3-06 - Imprisonment And Examination Of Huss | 31:04 |
3-07 - Condemnation And Martyrdom Of Huss | 16:37 |
3-08 - Wicliffe And Huss Compared In Their Theology, Their Character, And Their Labors | 10:34 |
3-09 - Trial And Temptation Of Jerome | 13:37 |
3-10 - The Trial Of Jerome | 13:58 |
3-11 - Condemnation And Burning Of Jerome | 8:53 |
3-12 - Wicliffe, Huss, And Jerome, Or The First Three Witnesses Of Modern Christendom | 9:50 |
3-13 - The Hussite Wars | 27:59 |
3-14 - Commencement Of The Hussite Wars | 20:17 |
3-15 - Marvellous Genius Of Ziska As A General | 7:21 |
3-16 - Second Crusade Against Bohemia | 19:53 |
3-17 - Brilliant Successes Of The Hussites | 30:37 |
3-18 - The Council Of Basle | 21:56 |
3-19 - Last Scenes Of The Bohemian Reformation | 27:07 |
4-01 - Protestantism And Medievalism | 9:04 |
4-02 - The Empire | 26:40 |
4-03 - The Papacy, Or Christendom Under The Tiara | 25:40 |
5-01 - Luther’s Birth, Childhood, And School Days | 26:50 |
5-02 - Luther’s College Life | 12:49 |
5-03 - Luther’s Life In The Convent | 17:59 |
5-04 - Luther The Monk Becomes Luther The Reformer | 16:38 |
5-05 - Luther As Priest, Professor, And Preacher | 13:52 |
5-06 - Luther’s Journey To Rome | 25:11 |
5-07 - Luther In Rome | 16:31 |
5-08 - Tetzel Preaches Indulgences | 26:23 |
5-09 - The “Theses” | 26:12 |
5-10 - Luther Attacked By Tetzel, Prierio, And Eck | 25:40 |
5-11 - Luther’s Journey To Augsburg | 22:39 |
5-12 - Luther’s Appearance Before Cardinal Cajetan | 24:49 |
5-13 - Luther’s Return To Wittemberg And Labors There | 28:45 |
5-14 - Miltitz — Carlstadt — Dr. Eck | 30:51 |
5-15 - The Leipsic Disputation | 33:57 |
6-01 - Protestantism And Imperialism; Or, The Monk And The Monarch | 41:03 |
6-02 - Pope Leo’s Bull | 40:26 |
6-03 - Interviews And Negotiations | 38:23 |
6-04 - Luther Summoned To The Diet At Worms | 19:12 |
6-05 - Luther’s Journey And Arrival At Worms | 22:31 |
6-06 - Luther Before The Diet At Worms | 39:07 |
6-07 - Luther Put Under The Ban Of The Empire | 20:46 |
7-01 - The First Protestant Martyrs In England | 24:04 |
7-02 - The Theology Of The Early English Protestants | 29:46 |
7-03 - Growth Of English Protestantism | 21:59 |
7-04 - Efforts For The Redistribution Of Ecclesiastical Property | 15:27 |
7-05 - Trial And Condemnation Of Sir John Oldcastle | 32:55 |
7-06 - Lollardism Denounced As Treason | 10:52 |
7-07 - Martyrdom Of Lord Cobham | 15:52 |
7-08 - Lollardism Under Henry V. And Henry Vi | 36:34 |
7-09 - Rome’s Attempt To Regain Dominancy In England | 16:44 |
7-10 - Resistance To Papal Encroachments | 23:20 |
7-11 - Influence Of The Wars Of The Fifteenth Century On The Progress Of Protestantism | 29:38 |
8-01 - Switzerland — The Country and Its People | 17:07 |
8-02 - Condition of Switzerland and Prior to The Reformation | 17:48 |
8-03 - Corruption of the Swiss Church | 25:44 |
8-04 - Zwingle’s Birth and School-Days | 23:34 |
8-05 - Zwingle’s Progress Towards Emancipation | 20:45 |
8-06 - Zwingle in Presence of the Bible | 11:32 |
8-07 - Einsiedeln and Zurich | 21:40 |
8-08 - The Pardon-Monger and the Plague | 19:22 |
8-09 - Extension of the Reformation to Bern and Other Swiss Towns | 22:11 |
8-10 - Spread of Protestantish in Eastern Switzerland | 22:50 |
8-11 - The Question of Forbidden Meats | 20:54 |
8-12 - Public Disputation at Zurich | 28:17 |
8-13 - Dissolution of Conventual and Monastic Establishments | 18:08 |
8-14 - Discussion on Images and the Mass | 21:46 |
8-15-01 - Intro Establishment of Protestantism in Zurich | 0:29 |
8-15-02 - Establishment of Protestantism in Zurich | 19:46 |
9-01 - The German New Testament | 34:44 |
9-02 - The Abolition of the Mass | 24:54 |
9-03 - Pope Adrian and his Scheme of Reform | 25:25 |
9-04 - Pope Clement and the Nuremberg Diet | 19:09 |
9-05 - Nuremberg | 40:15 |
9-06 - The Ratisbon League and Reformation | 18:22 |
9-07 - Luther’s Views on the Sacrament and Image-Worship | 34:16 |
9-08 - War of the Peasants | 31:26 |
9-09 - The Battle of Pavia and its Influence on Protestantism | 21:22 |
9-10 - Diet at Spires, 1526, and League Against the Emperor | 21:59 |
9-11 - The Sack of Rome | 24:16 |
9-12 - Organization of the Lutheran Church | 22:30 |
9-13 - Constitution of the Church of Hesse | 33:14 |
9-14 - Politics and Prodigies | 21:43 |
9-15 - The Great Protest | 27:53 |
9-16 - Conference at Marburg | 44:24 |
9-17 - The Marburg Confession | 14:11 |
9-18 - The Emperor, the Turk, and the Reformation | 38:55 |
9-19 - Meeting Between the Emperor and Pope at Bologna | 34:34 |
9-20 - Preparations for the Augsburg Diet | 29:32 |
9-21 - Arrival of the Emperor at Augsburg and Opening of the Diet | 26:36 |
9-22 - Luther in the Coburg and Melanchthon at the Diet | 21:22 |
9-23 - Reading of the Augsburg Confession | 31:35 |
9-24 - After the Diet of Augsburg | 28:08 |
9-25 - Attempted Refutation of the Confession | 34:16 |
9-26 - End of the Diet of Augsburg | 22:04 |
9-27 - A Retrospect-1517-1530-Progress | 33:43 |