00 - A Word to the Reader | 4:17 |
01-00 - Introduction | 2:35 |
01-01 - Warnings Against Sensational Teachings and Emotional Religion | 27:28 |
01-02 - Early Fanaticism to be Repeated | 12:15 |
01-03 - The Holy Flesh Doctrine | 22:39 |
01-04 - Warnings Against Deceptive Claims of the Spirits Guidance | 17:54 |
01-05 - Miracles Not a Test of Gods Favor | 18:50 |
01-06 - Our Safety Against Delusions | 10:55 |
02-00 - Introduction | 2:31 |
02-07 - The Divine Credentials | 19:14 |
02-08 - Meeting the Claims of False Prophets | 18:00 |
02-09 - Earmarks of Erroneous Teaching | 10:42 |
02-10 - The Visions of Anna Phillips | 25:45 |
02-11 - To Be on Guard | 10:25 |
02-12 - The Three Angels and the Other Angel | 41:16 |
03-00 - Introduction | 2:20 |
03-13 - Should Christians Be Members of Secret Societies | 47:28 |
03-14 - Avoiding Labor Conflicts | 6:30 |
04-00 - Introduction | 1:54 |
04-15 - Admonition Will Be Heard | 15:48 |
04-16 - Christs Lifework and Ours | 8:08 |
04-17 - Unity and Devotion | 7:26 |
04-18 - An Appeal to D M Canright | 20:31 |
05-00 - Introduction | 1:29 |
05-19 - An Object Lesson | 13:14 |
05-20 - General Principles Governing Worker Remuneration | 24:39 |
05-21 - The Workers in Our Institutions | 41:09 |
05-22 - Financial Assistance in Worker Qualification | 3:09 |
05-23 - Counsel to One Who for Financial Reasons Was Planning to Leave the Work of God | 19:30 |
06-00 - Introduction | 1:50 |
06-24 - Words to Those in Advanced Years | 27:03 |
06-25 - Fortitude in Affliction | 31:31 |
06-26 - Assurance to Those Facing Death | 27:01 |
06-27 - The Bereaved | 41:54 |
07-00 - Introduction | 7:23 |
07-28 - Statements on the Use of Drugs | 16:44 |
07-29 - The Use of Remedies | 14:35 |
07-30 - Ellen G Whites Use of Remedial Agencies | 28:09 |
07-31 - Personal Experiences | 11:15 |
08-00 - Introduction | 1:54 |
08-32 - Proper Attitude in Prayer | 14:17 |
08-33 - No Other Gods Before Me | 7:49 |
08-34 - Useful Occupation Better Than Games | 9:10 |
08-35 - Guidance by Chance Methods | 8:43 |
08-36 - Providing for the Day of Need | 3:28 |
08-37 - The Aged Who Have No Homes | 1:28 |
08-38 - On the Military Question | 8:16 |
08-39 - Counsel on Voting | 3:58 |
08-40 - Hops Tobacco and Swine | 1:44 |
08-41 - Counsels on Certain Marriage Situations | 8:42 |
08-42 - Counsel Regarding Intermarriage | 4:05 |
08-43 - Miraculous Healing | 7:50 |
08-44 - The Perils of Hypnosis | 11:31 |
08-45 - A Call to Country Living | 13:26 |
08-46 - Guided by Gods Providences | 11:57 |
09-00 - Introduction | 1:35 |
09-47 - Preparing for the Final Crisis | 23:33 |
09-48 - A Work of Purification Needed | 19:41 |
09-49 - A Distinctive Name and People | 5:58 |
09-50 - The Pillars of Our Faith | 11:19 |
09-51 - Loyal or Disloyal | 9:05 |
09-52 - The Church Triumphant | 4:37 |
09-53 - Last Messages to the General Conference | 25:57 |
10 - Appendix 1 Disease and Its Causes | 2:50 |
11 - Appendix 2 Important Factors in Choosing a Life Companion | 10:27 |
12 - Appendix 3 The Brotherhood of Mankind | 10:18 |