We are planing to make an App for free distribution of the EllenWhiteAudio.org content. This App will make it possible for people to download the audio files straight from the web to their mobile devices and listen to the downloaded narrations even when they are offline (without current internet connection).
This App is to be available to the main mobile platforms: Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.
We have a few quotes. It is about $6,000 per platform, but we think that price can be adjusted if we order the App for more than one platform at the same time.
We now have the privilege to help spread these audiobooks. May God bless this work and send the resources by whom He may impress is our prayer.
The EllenWhiteAudio.org team.
Help us raise $10,000 to create an App for Android, iOS and Windows Phone.
The amount we received this month of January is $1,798.
If you desire to make a larger donation, contact us by email: contact@ellenwhiteaudio.org