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00 - Preface8:02 Download
01-01 - Proclaiming the Message7:39 Download
01-02 - Ever-Widening Influence of the Gospel5:14 Download
01-03 - The Need of Evangelistic Workers6:03 Download
02-01 - In the Shadow of Impending Doom10:21 Download
02-02 - Increasing Difficulties6:05 Download
02-03 - The Call for a Speedy Work3:13 Download
02-04 - Special Opportunities for Evangelism2:01 Download
02-05 - Surveying the Needs of the Large Cities3:59 Download
02-06 - Problems Peculiar to Metropolitan Evangelism8:32 Download
02-07 - The Promise of an Abundant Harvest3:14 Download
03-01 - The Highways and Byways6:08 Download
03-02 - Rural Workers8:55 Download
04-01 - Patterning After the Master Evangelist12:51 Download
04-02 - Planning an Expanding Evangelism4:37 Download
04-03 - Moving Forward by Faith8:50 Download
04-04 - Evangelism of the Highest Type7:33 Download
04-05 - The Evangelist and His Team5:13 Download
04-06 - Advantages of Two and Two5:02 Download
04-07 - The Evangelistic Site4:04 Download
04-08 - The Outpost Centers3:43 Download
04-09 - Planning Sectional and Suburban Meetings2:40 Download
04-10 - Planning for a Permanent Work11:02 Download
04-11 - Finance and the Budget12:16 Download
04-12 - The Business Management of the Campaign2:38 Download
05-01 - Methods and Organization6:12 Download
05-02 - The Evangelistic Company2:21 Download
05-03 - Importance of Prayerful Counselling3:25 Download
05-04 - Unity in Diversity8:51 Download
05-05 - Allowing for More Than One Mans Method7:38 Download
05-06 - The City Field Training School5:25 Download
05-07 - Reviving and Organizing the Church for Service10:33 Download
05-08 - Relationship of Evangelist and Pastor1:29 Download
05-09 - Guarding Against Overorganization3:29 Download
06-01 - Our Present Truth Message6:43 Download
06-02 - Arresting Public Attention11:45 Download
06-03 - Successful and Impressive Advertising Methods6:36 Download
06-04 - The Evangelist in Publicity8:53 Download
06-05 - Avoiding Display and the Sensational7:05 Download
06-06 - Guarding Proper Approaches10:16 Download
06-07 - Platform Decorum Announcements and Preliminaries5:36 Download
06-08 - Interest-Holding Features7:07 Download
06-09 - Inquiry and Question Meetings9:12 Download
06-10 - Getting Acquainted With the People5:23 Download
06-11 - Printed Sermons And Literature5:40 Download
06-12 - The Debate9:51 Download
07-01 - Spirit and Manner of Presenting the Message13:29 Download
07-02 - The Evangelistic Sermon19:21 Download
07-03 - Christ the Center of the Message17:40 Download
07-04 - Prophetic Preaching that Arrests Attention12:00 Download
07-05 - Restraining Without Obscuring Truth6:27 Download
07-06 - Truth-Teaching Devices7:26 Download
07-07 - Stories Anecdotes Jesting and Joking10:28 Download
07-08 - False Tests and Man-Made Standards10:05 Download
08-01 - Heralding the Second Advent9:39 Download
08-02 - The Sanctuary Truth7:52 Download
08-03 - Presenting the Law and the Sabbath22:23 Download
08-04 - Meeting Sabbathkeeping Problems17:44 Download
08-05 - Preaching on Nonimmortality6:52 Download
08-06 - The Message of Christian Stewardship11:40 Download
08-07 - Presentation of the Spirit of Prophecy10:36 Download
08-08 - Presenting Health and Christian Standards25:48 Download
08-09 - The Ordinances10:33 Download
09-01 - Preaching for the Final Decision7:37 Download
09-02 - Appeals and Altar Calls6:01 Download
09-03 - Helping Souls to Be Converted12:26 Download
09-04 - Gathering in the Interested5:45 Download
09-05 - Methods of Clinching Decisions11:44 Download
09-06 - Meeting Prejudice and Opposition11:17 Download
09-07 - Baptism and Church Membership28:25 Download
09-08 - Binding Off Thoroughly10:11 Download
09-09 - Length of Effort and Closing The Campaign3:28 Download
09-10 - Determining the Success of Meetings11:03 Download
10-01 - Follow-up Methods12:35 Download
10-02 - Integrating New Believers into the Church8:57 Download
10-03 - Pastoral Evangelism10:45 Download
10-04 - Responsibility of Spiritual Laymen to New Converts4:40 Download
10-05 - Helping New Believers to Win Souls7:55 Download
10-06 - Guarding New Members Against Error And Fanaticism17:29 Download
10-07 - Reclaiming Backsliders9:22 Download
10-08 - Rebaptism6:42 Download
10-09 - Providing Church Buildings10:29 Download
10-10 - On to New Fields4:07 Download
11-01 - New York9:54 Download
11-02 - Boston and New England9:10 Download
11-03 - Cities of the East and South14:06 Download
11-04 - Cities of the Central States2:02 Download
11-05 - The Western Cities6:57 Download
12-01 - Sounding the Message in Europe13:05 Download
12-02 - England and Its Cities9:44 Download
12-03 - The Cities of Northern Europe7:47 Download
12-04 - In Southern Europe3:54 Download
12-05 - Working the Australasian Cities6:13 Download
13-01 - The Need for Personal Work4:59 Download
13-02 - House-to-House Visitation7:01 Download
13-03 - Winning Families5:05 Download
13-04 - Evangelistic Visiting3:42 Download
13-05 - Ministers Giving Bible Readings5:10 Download
13-06 - Learning the Art of Personal Work5:04 Download
13-07 - Prejudice Broken Down3:16 Download
13-08 - Working for the Aged1:17 Download
13-09 - Ellen G. Whites Experience and Methods as a Personal Worker16:42 Download
14-01 - Bible Teaching the Objective5:41 Download
14-02 - Personal Workers and Wise Counselors6:09 Download
14-03 - Searching for the Lost5:24 Download
14-04 - Women in Evangelism8:16 Download
14-05 - Both Men and Women Called to Bible Work3:02 Download
14-06 - The Gospel Visitor2:15 Download
14-07 - Women in Public Ministry4:40 Download
14-08 - Training and Background6:26 Download
14-09 - Bible Instructors Qualifications7:59 Download
14-10 - Bible Work Techniques11:15 Download
14-11 - Lessons from the Master Teacher4:25 Download
14-12 - Results of Bible Work4:39 Download
14-13 - Adequate Wages for Women Workers5:20 Download
14-14 - Cautions to the Bible Instructor3:27 Download
15-01 - The Ministry of Song9:34 Download
15-02 - Music in Evangelism6:45 Download
15-03 - The Singing Evangelist6:34 Download
15-04 - Emphasis in Congregational Singing2:54 Download
15-05 - The Music Personnel3:31 Download
15-06 - Timely Cautions4:32 Download
16-01 - An Entering Wedge6:18 Download
16-02 - The True Objective of Medical Evangelism5:24 Download
16-03 - Relationship to Gospel Ministry8:50 Download
16-04 - Simplicity of Method9:41 Download
16-05 - An Antitobacco and Temperance Message6:09 Download
16-06 - Medical Evangelism in the Cities7:07 Download
16-07 - Institutional Evangelism13:41 Download
16-08 - The Consecrated Physician and the Missionary Nurse6:20 Download
16-09 - Balancing Cautions7:57 Download
17-01 - Working for All Classes5:08 Download
17-02 - Reaching Men of Means and Influence14:00 Download
17-03 - Ministers of Other Denominations5:00 Download
17-04 - Laboring for the Middle Class4:15 Download
17-05 - Working for Fallen Humanity4:07 Download
17-06 - The Stranger in Our Midst9:54 Download
17-07 - Reaching Catholics7:57 Download
17-08 - A Large Harvest from the Jews3:21 Download
17-09 - Child Evangelism9:36 Download
17-10 - Those in the Tourist Centers3:25 Download
17-11 - The Street Meeting3:04 Download
18-01 - Satan Gains Foothold Through False Doctrines9:24 Download
18-02 - Miracles Not a Test2:27 Download
18-03 - False Sanctification and Holiness8:10 Download
18-04 - Pantheistic and Spiritualistic Theories5:17 Download
18-05 - Various Forms of Spiritualism13:36 Download
18-06 - Fanaticism and Extremism6:32 Download
18-07 - Misrepresentations of the Godhead8:11 Download
18-08 - Secret Societies10:41 Download
18-09 - Combating Erroneous Teaching7:28 Download
19-01 - The Spirit of the Ministry15:23 Download
19-02 - The Graces of Culture and Kindness16:38 Download
19-03 - Application to the Work20:42 Download
19-04 - Concentrating on the Main Task3:31 Download
19-05 - Health and Health Principles14:01 Download
19-06 - The Voice of the Gospel Worker10:55 Download
19-07 - Personal Appearance of the Evangelist7:01 Download
19-08 - The Evangelists Wife8:29 Download
19-09 - Maintaining a High Moral Standard9:04 Download
19-10 - The Internship Period9:06 Download
19-11 - Calls to and Transfers of the Evangelistic Worker8:33 Download
20-01 - When the Loud Cry Sounds4:29 Download
20-02 - The Reason for the Delay5:54 Download
20-03 - Power for Finishing the Work9:22 Download
20-04 - Present Hour of Opportunity8:21 Download
20-05 - Speedy Triumphant Climax4:06 Download