Your donation is greatly appreciated!
By God’s grace, this work is going forward, and He is using people like you to help advance His cause.
May God richly reward you!

Uriel Vidal

Tax-deductible donation
EllenWhiteAudio operates as dba of Health Ministry Foundation, Inc., which is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation in the State of California, USA. It, therefore, accepts donations and issues tax-deductible receipts to US donors.
Your donation will help:
- Produce more Ellen G. White audiobooks
- Produce new audiobooks from other Adventist pioneers (James White, Joseph Bates, Andrews...)
- Translate pioneer materials into other languages
- OCR of out-of-print pioneer writings
- Prepare videos and presentations on SDA history
- Promote SDA history and pioneer writings in churches and Conferences
Our translation work is continuing


