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Counsels on Sabbath-School Work

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 1 – The Importance and Purpose of Sabbath School Work7:15 2 – A School for Bible Study1:03:20 3 – A Soul-winning Agency38:46 4 – The Teacher and His Work58:33 5 – Gathering Weekly Mission Offerings27:51 6 – Guiding Principles in Administration53:55


All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – Confrontation in the Desert1:37 02 – Adam and Eve and their Eden home4:10 03 – The Test of Probation6:24 04 – Paradise Lost2:55 05 – Plan of Redemption10:14 06 – Sacrificial Offerings5:02 07 – Appetite and Passion5:21 08 – A Threat to Satan’s Kingdom9:25 09 – The Temptation2:14 10 – Christ […]

Reflecting Christ

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01-01 – Christ-One With The Father3:49 01-02 – A Teacher Sent From God3:18 01-03 – Christ Sacrificed Himself For Us3:21 01-04 – Christ Supplies Us With Living Water3:26 01-05 – Christ’s Compassion Knew No Limit3:10 01-06 – Changed into His Image3:21 01-07 – Christ Inspires Souls with Confidence in God3:36 01-08 – By […]

Sons and Daughters of God

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01-01 – That God Created Man in His Own Image2:08 01-02 – That we should be Called the Sons of God1:58 01-03 – That when Christ Appears we Shall be Like Him1:59 01-04 – That we are Purified as Christ is Pure2:09 01-05 – That God Sent His Son to Die that we […]

This Day With God

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01-01 – Promise of Peace2:39 01-02 – With One Accord2:36 01-03 – Next Door to Heaven2:40 01-04 – Cultivating the Soil2:55 01-05 – Thou God Seest Me2:58 01-06 – The Conflict Over2:54 01-07 – Appreciating the Promises2:59 01-08 – Christian Humility2:33 01-09 – Beautiful Garments2:41 01-10 – Antidote for Apathy2:46 01-11 – Reconciliation […]


All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01-01 – The First Coming of Jesus2:42 01-02 – The Lesson of Bethlehem2:07 01-03 – When Jesus was Born2:09 01-04 – The Hope of the Second Coming2:09 01-05 – The Keynote of Scripture2:20 01-06 – Faith of the Reformers2:24 01-07 – The Key to History2:05 01-08 – Parallel Disappointments2:09 01-09 – Humble Men […]

Royalty in Ruin

All chaptersMP3s 00 – Foreword2:29 00 – Introduction7:13 01 – Solomon’s Spectacular Beginning10:11 02 – Solomon’s Magnificent Temple15:32 03 – Prosperity and Pride Bring Disaster10:47 04 – How Solomon Missed His Chance16:04 05 – Solomon’s Deep Repentance11:16 06 – Rehoboam’s Arrogance–The Rending of the Kingdom11:38 07 – Jeroboam Leads Israel Back to Idol Worship9:02 08 […]

Unlikely Leaders

All chaptersMP3s 00 – Foreword2:49 01 – Gods Purpose for His Church5:22 02 – The Training of the Twelve6:56 03 – The Good News to Go Everywhere8:54 04 – Pentecost The Apostles Begin Their Work11:36 05 – The Gift of the Spirit Is for Us9:39 06 – Peter and John Forbidden to Do Christs Work12:09 […]

Humble Hero

All chaptersMP3s 00 – Introduction3:40 01 – Christ Before Coming to Earth14:41 02 – The People Who Should Have Welcomed Him6:09 03 – Man’s Sin and the Fullness of the Time9:05 04 – Born in a Stable7:44 05 – Joseph and Mary Dedicate Jesus10:09 06 – We Have Seen His Star11:44 07 – The Child […]

Beginning of the End

All chaptersMP3s 00 – Foreword2:00 01 – Why Was Sin Permitted14:40 02 – Creaton, God’s Answer to Evolution11:26 03 – The Predicament17:50 04 – The Plan of Redemption Is Unveiled12:18 05 – The First Murderer and His Victim11:00 06 – Seth, When Men Turned to God14:50 07 – When the World Was Destroyed by Water19:12 […]