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Character Sketches from the Life of Daniel

All chaptersMP3s 00 – Preface2:50 01 – Gods Purpose Concerning Israel5:37 02 – Causes of the Babylonish Captivity6:30 03 – Early Training of Daniel and His Companions6:39 04 – Daniels Temperance Principles5:53 05 – The 10-Day Trial6:36 06 – The Reward of Temperance5:47 07 – A Warfare Against Temperance5:55 08 – Success in Education5:10 09 […]

The Voice in Speech and Song

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00 – Introduction2:16 01 – A Heavenly Talent5:20 02 – Design for Communication9:58 03 – A Tool for Evangelism11:12 04 – Importance of Speech Education3:53 05 – The Role of Parents3:40 06 – The Role of Teachers9:03 07 – Students and Speech9:17 08 – The Influence of Words17:20 09 – Persuasion Through Speech7:17 […]

The Publishing Ministry

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – Dorchester Vision of 1848 and Our First Publishing Ventures27:55 02 – Established in Sacrifice16:31 03 – The January 3, 1875, Vision and World Expansion16:22 04 – God’s Purpose in the Publishing Work35:15 05 – A Sacred Work13:36 06 – High Spiritual Standards for God’s Workmen34:43 07 – Work Qualifications and Efficiency30:03 […]

Medical Ministry

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00a – Preface to the First Edition5:20 00b – Preface to the Second Edition22:05 01 – Healing Power and Its Source25:45 02 – The Divine Plan in the Medical Missionary Work28:59 03 – The Christian Physician and His Work59:22 04 – Our Medical College1:19:37 05 – Warning Against Spiritistic Sophistry42:02 06 – True […]

Testimony Treasures, Vol. 3

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 19 – The Sign of Our Order6:18 20 – The Sabbath in Our Restaurants5:47 21 – Healthful Foods7:49 22 – Educate the People8:47 23 – God’s Purpose in Our Publishing Houses26:10 24 – Our Denominational Literature23:28 25 – Commercial Work16:58 26 – Publishing Houses in Mission Fields2:33 27 – The Church and the […]

Testimony Treasures, Vol. 2

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – The Day of the Lord at Hand16:43 02 – Envy and Criticism4:58 03 – Jealousy and Faultfinding Condemned10:44 04 – Laborers for God12:01 05 – Agents of Satan14:23 06 – Will a Man Rob God11:14 07 – Diligence in Business9:47 08 – Shall We Consult Spiritualist Physicians19:49 09 – Looking Unto […]

Testimony Treasures, Vol. 1

All chaptersMP3s (1)MP3s (2)PDFEPUBMOBI 001 – Ellen G. White A Brief Biographical Sketch15:01 002 – Faith in God4:04 003 – Prepare to Meet the Lord8:31 004 – Parental Responsibility2:53 005 – Thy Brother’s Keeper6:25 006 – The Two Ways8:58 007 – Wives of Ministers7:57 008 – Be Zealous and Repent13:31 009 – Young Sabbathkeepers23:00 010 […]

An Appeal to the Youth

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – Volney, Iowa, Dec. 24, 18572:52 02 – Green Spring, Ohio, March 2, 18584:06 03 – Somerville, Mass., Sept. 6, 18594:04 04 – Topsham, Maine, Sept. 20, 18591:51 05 – Topsham, Maine, Sept. 20, 18592:09 06 – Newport, N. H., Oct. 4, 18593:16 07 – Enosburg, Vt., Oct. 15, 18592:40 08 – […]

Christian Education

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – Proper Education39:50 02 – Our College20:23 03 – Pure Education5:40 04 – Our College18:20 05 – Proper Education of the Young19:21 06 – A Knowledge of God12:59 07 – The Schools of the Prophets23:39 08 – The Teacher of Truth the Only Safe Educator15:53 09 – The Treasure with Which to […]

The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials

All chaptersMP3s (1)MP3s (2)MP3s (3) 001 – To E. J. Waggoner and A. T. Jones21:23 002 – To G. I. Butler and Uriah Smith9:43 003 – To Brethren Who Shall Assemble in General Conference16:42 004 – Engaging in Worldly Speculation35:01 005 – To Mary White7:15 006 – Morning Talk14:16 007 – Sabbath Afternoon Talk35:03 008 […]