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Last Day Tokens

All chaptersMP3s 00 – Introduction6:20 00 – Preface1:56 01 – The Second Advent7:26 02 – The Day of the Lord Cometh28:03 03 – The Judgment Message24:03 04 – The Last Generation21:35 05 – Last Day Tokens36:59 06 – Other Wonders Witnessed41:30 07 – Loud Voice of the Time Message31:30 08 – Parable of the Ten […]

Guide to Christian Perfection

All chaptersMP3s 0 – Guide to Christian Perfection – Introduction5:43 1a – Guide to Christian Perfection14:52 1b – Guide to Christian Perfection11:12 1c – Guide to Christian Perfection24:17 1d – Guide to Christian Perfection23:42 2a – Guide to Christian Perfection15:17 2b – Guide to Christian Perfection15:41 2c – Guide to Christian Perfection17:24 2d – Guide […]

Bible Studies on the Book of Romans

All chaptersMP3s 01 – Study on Romans 019:17 02 – Study on Romans 026:16 03 – Study on Romans 037:49 04 – Study on Romans 047:11 05 – Study on Romans 056:38 06 – Study on Romans 067:35 07 – Study on Romans 0711:57 08 – Study on Romans 0826:56 09 – Study on Romans […]

A Solemn Appeal

All chaptersMP3s 01 – Chastity1:04:09 02 – Appeal to Mothers48:55 03 – Exhausted Vitality31:18 04 – The Marriage Relation15:46 05 – The Care of Children27:16 06 – Errors in Education14:07 07 – Female Modesty15:34 08 – Obedience to the Law of God12:11 09 – Sentimentalism37:45 10a – Evils and Remedy13:43 10b – Evils and Remedy12:03 […]

The Peril of the Republic of the United States of America

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00 – Preface5:19 01 – A Nation’s Birthright32:04 02 – The Crisis of 186131:42 03 – A War for Humanity’s Sake27:01 04 – A Chapter in Criminal History31:48 05 – The Spanish Inquisition23:35 06 – “The Council of Blood”48:34 07 – American Imperialism – National Apostasy1:24:37 08 – Manifest Destiny1:19:21 09 – In […]

Daniel and the Revelation

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – Daniel Chapter 01 – Daniel in Captivity18:59 02 – Daniel Chapter 02 – The Great Image1:58:11 03 – Daniel Chapter 03 – The Firery Ordeal18:55 04 – Daniel Chapter 04 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Decree24:19 05 – Daniel Chapter 05 – Belshazzar’s Feast32:06 06 – Daniel Chapter 06 – The Lion’s Den18:20 07 […]

The Promise of the Holy Spirit (W. W. Prescott)

All chaptersMP3s 01 – p. 37-39 – W. W. Prescott13:39 02 – p. 62-68 – W. W. Prescott43:04 03 – p. 103-108 – W. W. Prescott38:28 04 – p. 236-242 – W. W. Prescott42:59 05 – p. 253-257 – W. W. Prescott36:56 06 – p. 337-342 – W. W. Prescott37:20 07 – p. 364-369 – […]

The Third Angel’s Message – 1893 (A. T. Jones)

Of these sermons, Ellen White wrote: “I have been instructed to use those discourses of yours printed in the General Conference Bulletins of 1893 and 1897, which contain strong arguments regarding the validity of the Testimonies, and which substantiate the gift of prophecy among us. I was shown that many would be helped by these […]

The Missionary Work (S. N. Haskell)

All chaptersMP3s 1 – p. 225-229 – S. N. Haskell27:21 2 – p. 233-236 – S. N. Haskell19:58 3 – p. 247-250 – S. N. Haskell25:28 4 – p. 270-275 – S. N. Haskell42:07 5 – p. 293-296 – S. N. Haskell25:28