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Ministry of Healing

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00 – Preface3:23 01 – Our Example18:18 02 – Days of Ministry33:21 03 – With Nature and With God10:47 04 – The Touch of Faith26:22 05 – Healing of the Soul34:35 06 – Saved to Serve25:01 07 – The Co-Working of the Divine and the Human29:28 08 – The Physician an Educator27:49 09 […]

Mind, Character and Personality, Vol. 2

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 39 – Harmonious Action of the Whole Personality Necessary13:02 40 – Body Affects Mind9:30 41 – Diet and Mind21:30 42 – Mind and Health16:16 43 – Mind and Spiritual Health18:42 44 – Laws Governing the Mind15:18 45 – Individuality14:57 46 – Human Relations19:51 47 – Mental Hygiene13:06 48 – Guilt14:30 49 – Grief15:44 […]

Mind, Character and Personality, Vol. 1

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00 – Foreword9:18 01 – Its Importance12:08 02 – The Christian and Psychology14:44 03 – Dangers in Psychology19:07 04 – Spiritual Influences and the Mind20:55 05 – The Fanatical Mind18:46 06 – A Healthy Normality15:04 07 – Disease That Begins in the Mind9:38 08 – Religion and the Mind12:17 09 – Mind the […]

Life Sketches of Ellen G. White

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – Childhood4:22 02 – Conversion10:07 03 – Strivings Against Doubt10:20 04 – Beginning of Public Labors20:19 05 – Separation from the Church18:23 06 – The Disappointment of 1843-4416:34 07 – My First Vision8:00 08 – Call to Travel8:13 09 – Answers to Prayer4:53 10 – Labors in New Hampshire13:12 11 – Meeting […]

Last-Day Events

Get ready for the events that are soon coming upon the World.

Healthful Living

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 01 – Our Bodies, Temples of the Holy Ghost5:10 02 – Duty to Study the Laws of Life5:59 03 – The Great Decalogue4:10 04 – Natural Law Part of the Law of God1:58 05 – Blessings from Obeying Natural Law2:47 06 – The Consequence of Violating Natural Law3:56 07 – Natural Law How […]

Help in Daily Living

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 0 – Header1:55 1 – Everyday Living26:54 2 – Living With Others29:57 3 – Developing Christian Character13:16 4 – Pressing Toward the Mark23:50

Gospel Workers

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00 – Preface1:35 01-01 – In Christs Stead11:54 01-02 – The Sacredness of the Work6:56 01-03 – The Field is the World11:26 01-04 – The Ministers Responsibility10:23 01-05 – The Outlook6:41 02-01 – Christ Our Example12:09 02-02 – Christ as a Teacher5:00 02-03 – A Lesson for Our Time12:33 02-04 – Paul The […]

Great Controversy

Listen to this amazing book on history and prophecy. Be prepared for the events that are soon coming upon the world. Get ready for Jesus’ coming!

Acts of the Apostles (other narrator)

All chaptersMP3sPDFEPUBMOBI 00 – Preface3:40 01 – Gods Purpose for His Church12:53 02 – The Training of the Twelve12:02 03 – The Great Commission15:34 04 – Pentecost19:25 05 – The Gift of the Spirit16:18 06 – At the Temple Gate20:23 07 – A Warning Against Hypocrisy10:56 08 – Before the Sanhedrin15:19 09 – The Seven […]